Male Breast Reduction

Medications, genetics, and weight gain all contribute to a condition in men called Gynecomastia, meaning excess male breast tissue. I see many young boys as well as adult men with male breast tissue. This is a common complaint in my practice. The best option for removing the excess tissue is liposculpture with direct excision of the breast tissue. Many surgeons who don’t practice plastic surgery don’t understand the techniques necessary to get the best result. It is necessary to do ... Continue Reading

Male Breast Tissue

If you are a man and have extra tissue in your chest , removing the tissue is the best option if done correctly and by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Many younger men I see as well as older men have breast tissue. Some have extra skin as well. Medications and genetics and weight gain all contribute to the problem of gynecomastia which is male breast tissue. If you are unable to lose weight and still have tissue in the ... Continue Reading