What Causes Large Breasts?

Close-up of a woman with a large chest, wearing a black camisole

While many associate full breasts with femininity and sensuality, those with breasts that are too large in proportion to the rest of their bodies often face a variety of concerns. Overly large breasts can cause strain on the back, neck, shoulders, and other areas of the body, and can make shopping for clothing and bras very difficult. In extreme cases, they can even cause problems with posture and mobility. More distressing yet, disproportionately large breasts can be the source of ... Continue Reading

Common Questions About Labiaplasty

If you experience feminine discomfort or are otherwise unhappy with your labia minora, read through the interview below with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Andrew Cohen, about the procedure. To schedule your consultation, please contact us today! Why are patients getting a labiaplasty? A lot of our patients don’t like the appearance of their labia minora so they seek labiaplasty. They can get elongated due to exercise or having kids. One of our recent patients was having issues with urinary ... Continue Reading