How to Get Rid of Jowls


Jowls are characterized by sagging skin and tissue along the jawline, and they develop in most people as they get older. Although incredibly common, jowls tend to be an aesthetic concern for many people, due to creating a more aged facial appearance with reduced chin and jawline definition. For those wanting to tighten and lift jowling in their lower face, there are a number of treatment options available. Non-surgical solutions may be a sufficient treatment method for those with mild ... Continue Reading

Hands Showing Their Age? Dr. Cohen Shares Insight on Beautytap

Woman Hands

Our hands are one of the first skin areas to show signs of aging, such as age spots and wrinkles. Dr. Andrew Cohen was recently interviewed about this topic of aging hands in an article on Beautytap—a website dedicated to educating consumers on beauty and wellness products. In the article, Dr. Cohen explains the impact of sun exposure over time, and how this can gradually take a toll on the youthful appearance of the hands. Among the different treatment options ... Continue Reading