Tummy Tucks… “It’s a Skin Issue”

Dr. Cohen, I’m trying to get a flat tummy, but diet and exercise are not working!” This is a common concern among my patients who have had kids, significant fluctuations in their weight, or are simply seeing the effects of aging and gravity. For women who are done having kids or have lost a significant amount of weight, it is usually a skin issue.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, as it is known, is done by making a very low incision just above the pubic hair, and the extra skin and fat is removed. I always tighten the abdominal muscles to create a flatter and more contoured abdomen.

What makes my tummy tucks unique is that I combine liposuction of the flanks (your sides) — not all surgeons do this. My incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures. I also have a unique way of creating a beautiful belly button. Belly buttons should be round. I create a round belly button, and the incision is well hidden inside.

Healing generally takes a week or two, and during that time you will wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and to support your abdomen. For more information about a Tummy Tuck or to schedule a consultation, please contact my Patient Care Coordinator, Shelley Hirschman, at (310) 659-8771 or [email protected].